In Nutritionist Pro we offer a couple of options – you can use raw weight of ingredients and then apply a water loss if that is appropriate for your recipe.  For fat loss calculations we offer the full USDA database with has cooked ingredient options as well.  If the cooked ingredient is used then the weight you will enter for those types of ingredients will need to be based on after cooked weight.  Our suggestion for this example if you are working with chicken breast you can measure what the after cooking weight is for your item then use that weight in the recipe.  For loss due to ingredients left in pan or mixing bowl for any waste loss we suggest that you estimate how much is left in the pan or bowl and then only enter the weight of the ingredient that ended up in the recipe.  For example if you had 200 grams of onions that you chopped and by the time you entered it into the recipe you estimate that 5% was left on the cutting board or knife or wasted then you can use 190 grams instead of 200 for that ingredient.  In addition if you work with Marinades, we also suggest that you make a marinade recipe and then do some kitchen test to see how much marinade absorbs into the chicken by measuring before and after and then only add that amount of the marinade recipe into your final chicken recipe.  In addition, we also have these 2 Knowledge Base links on how to handle water loss and fried items in our application.